
Last Updated: 03/22/2022

Posting Shift via Kronos SubBoard

Log into Kronos. Visit our Kronos page for detailed instructions.

Manage My Schedule. Cover My Shift. Pick Up an Open Shift. View My Schedule.

On the home page, under Manage My Schedule, select the shift you are looking to have covered. Or click on View My Schedule, and it will take you to your calendar that will display all shifts you are scheduled for.

Wednesday 23rd. 9am-2pm (5 hours) Student Employee. Ellipsis icon.

If I click the yellow highlighted shift to the right, it will then take me to my calendar of all scheduled shifts.
For example, if I have an appointment on 3/23 and I am unable to work, I would select the shift on 3/23, then select the  ellipsis icon indicated.

A box will come up that looks like the picture below and you should select the option Request to Cover.

Wednesday March 23rd. 9am-2pm (5 hours) Student Employee. Time off or Request to Cover.
Cover My Shift Request. How would you like to offer this shift?

After you select Request to Cover, you will be prompted with another option of Post as an open shift OR Send to a specific person.

Selecting Post as an open shift: Please read the rules. You are still responsible for your shift if no one else takes it. Your shift is only available to employees who are eligible to take it which means they must have the same job title, training, and must be approved to work in that location. Other employees who are eligible to take that shift will see it as an open shift and be able to accept that shift. You will receive notification once that shift has been taken.

Cover My Shift Request. Post as open shift.

Selecting Send to a Specific Person: You must select the employee to send it to. You will ONLY see employees who are assigned to your work location and have been approved to work in that location and can work the same job that you have posted. For example, if you and a co-worker discuss swapping a shift, you will only be able to assign the shift if you were assigned to the same job and same work unit. Then you can send the job to your specific coworker.
If you do not see the person on the eligible list that means they cannot take your shift. Do NOT submit an HR ticket requesting this person be eligible to take your shift. The system has rules built into it and there are reasons such as training, already scheduled, maximum of 20 hours per week, cannot work split shifts, or must be home or transferred unit that restricts people from taking a shift. You should post the shift to everyone if your specific person is not eligible to take the shift.

Make sure you select Post at the bottom of the request.

After you post, you will see on the calendar an Open Shift for that date and the message below that alerts you the shift is posted.

Cover My Shift Request Open Shift. Waiting for someone to pick the shift from the shift market.

Your shifts will remain on your calendar UNTIL someone has been approved to take your shift.

Request to Cover Offered to Market

Here you can see the confirmation that your shift is still open and has not yet been claimed by another employee. You are responsible to cover the shift if no one takes the shift or follow the call out procedures and attendance policy as outlined in your employee handbook.

When your shift has been picked up, you will receive the following notification to your email:

  • From:
  • Date: Date
  • To: Undisclosed recipients
  • Subject: Confirmation of Shift Coverage for DATE
  • Employee Who Posted Original Shift: Employee Name
    Employee Confirmed for Covering the Shift: Employee Name
    Date of Shift: Date
    Shift Timing: Timing
    Location You Will Be Working: Work Location

If you decide you want to cancel the shift – select the  ellipsis icon highlighted below and select Cancel.

Request to Cover Offered to Market. Ellipsis Icon.

See below the confirmation that the shift has been Cancelled.

Request to Cover. Cancelled.

Claiming an Open Shift via Kronos SubBoard

Log into Kronos. Visit our Kronos page for detailed instructions.

Manage My Schedule. Cover My Shift. Pick Up an Open Shift. View My Schedule.

On the home page, select Pick Up an Open Shift under Manage My Schedule. Or click on View My Schedule. You will then see the shifts available for you to claim.

You Can also click Show Calendar to view the calendar listing.

Request an Open Shift. Select an Open Shift to request. Show Calendar.

You will see all the days in which open shift are available. They will be indicated by Open Shift on the date of the calendar that the shift is for.Note: On the calendar view, you may see an open shift listed in red, however when you look at the shifts under Events tab, it may not be available. This is because of its scheduling rules and you are not able to pick it up. You will ONLY see shifts you are eligible to pick up. Do NOT reach out to your manager or HR if you see an open shift, but are unable to pick it up.

You can see the list of open shifts by day to the right of your calendar under Events. Ensure the option to Show List on the top right is selected in order to view all the requests that are available.

Open Shifts shown in the calendar

Then select the  vertical ellipsis icon and select Request Open Shift in order to see the details of the shift.

Events. Open Shift. Vertical ellipsis icon.
Request Open Shift. Select an Open Shift to request. Show Calendar. Cancel or Submit.

You will see the hours and position of the shift and other open shifts that are available. The system will tell you if you are already scheduled during an open shift and will not permit you to take shifts if you are already scheduled.

Highlight the shift you are looking to take by clicking on it. Select SUBMIT at the bottom of the screen.

If you click the  ellipsis icon to the right of the shift, you can gather more details about it. Also while in this screen, if there are multiple open shifts, you will be able to view them by clicking the arrows at the top of the screen.

Request Open Shift 1 of 2

You will now see the Request to Cover shift has been approved and you the shift will now be listed on your schedule.

Request to Cover Approved

You are now responsible for this shift as if it were your own. If you are unable to attend the shift, you must follow the directions to Post Shift or follow the call out procedures and attendance policy as outlined in your employee handbook.

Once the shift is picked up, both you and the original poster of the shift will receive the following notification to your email:

  • From:
  • Date:
  • To: Undisclosed recipients
  • Subject: Confirmation of Shift Coverage for DATE
  • Employee Who Posted Original Shift: Employee Name
    Employee Confirmed for Covering the Shift: Employee Name
    Date of Shift: Date
    Shift Timing: Timing
    Location You Will Be Working: Work Location

On your home page, you can see all of the requests you have submitted under My Requests. If you click on My Requests, change to view All Status and you can see all requests submitted, canceled, approved.

My Requests. Request to Cover approved.
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