UB Card Fees


Initial Card / Replace lost or stolen card / New photo when card shows minor signs of abuse.

No Charge

Reprint when card shows no signs of abuse


New photo when card shows no sign of abuse / New photo when changing official UB status (name or status) / Reprint when card shows minor signs of abuse.


Replace a confiscated card / Have card mailed to you

Card Policies

Policy Definitions
UB Card (a.k.a. Card, UB Card) – the identification card issued by the University at Buffalo.
Cardholder – any individual officially issued a UB Card.
Acceptor – any department or entity accepting the UB Card for the purposes of identification.

Card Ownership – The UB Card is the property of the University at Buffalo. It must be surrendered upon request of an authorized party. The UB Card office produces the card and maintains the database of card holders. The card office administers a set of card policies for the production and use of the card. Any and all cardholders and card acceptors must adhere to these policies for any use of the card.

Card Policies – General policies regarding the UB Card are available from the UB Card Office or online at myubcard.com. These include proper use of the card. Acceptors of the card create and enforce their own individual policies regarding the services they accept the card for; these policies cannot supersede the UB Card office policies. Please be aware of the policies from each of the card acceptors. Official information regarding your UB Card and Campus Dining & Shops accounts are sent via email to your official University at Buffalo email account. CDS may use forms of social networking and other electronic communication including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, mobile applications and SMS/ text messaging for promotional purposes or to communicate with its customers. Use of these services is optional, you may opt out by completing the form at the UB Card Office.

Card Eligibility and Issuance – All official members of the University at Buffalo Community should obtain a UB Card. Students are required to have a UB Card. The status and permissions granted to each cardholder is determined by their official University status within the Card Management system. A card will only be issued if the individual requesting the card is on file in the Card Management System. It is the responsibility of each department to administer and update the information for their employees and communicate this information to the proper University department in a timely manner.
All individuals must show official photo proof of identity issued by a government office in order to obtain a UB Card. Best forms of ID include NY State (or other state) Drivers License, NYS non-drivers id or passport. Card Number - The 16 digit number on the face of the card is the identification number used by acceptors of the card. This is a registered number which cannot be duplicated by any other card producer nationally or internationally. Once this number has been replaced it cannot be reactivated nor reissued. A cardholder may not possess more than one valid UB Card.

Identification – The UB Card is required for identification at the University at Buffalo. It must be presented upon request of any Law enforcement or security personnel or authorized University personnel. Card Platform - The UB Card is a convenience platform for the University at Buffalo. Although maintained by the UB Card Office, there are many other entities, which use the card platform. Each of the entities will have their own regulations for the use of this card within their area of authority. No entity using this card may violate any of the University regulations in the use of this card. It is your responsibility to know the policies from each of the services you use.

Use of UB Card Photos – Photos and digital images will be released to faculty and staff who provide student services at the University of Buffalo for the purpose of face/name recognition. Images will only be used for this purpose and will not be re-transmitted, shared or otherwise reproduced.

Card Acceptors – The UB Card is a service platform for use at the University at Buffalo. Any Official University entity may use the card for the purposes of identification for any official service offered. Any entity accepting the card should contact the card office for information pertaining to the card itself and for Official University policies regarding the card. No individual entity may use the card for any commercial purpose without the permission of the UB Card Office.

Card Security and Identity protection – The UB Card is an identification platform for the University at Buffalo. It contains visual and encoded information that is not considered to be directory information. The card is used for identification in attended and un-attended locations. The card may also be linked to financial accounts and used as tender at many campus and non-campus businesses. For this reason the card may not be collected, filed or held as collateral even with the approval of the card holder except by authorized University personnel. The UB Card should not be photocopied in a method to include any of the University supplied personal identifiers (person number, ISO (card) number, or Library number except by authorized University personnel.

Alterations & Damage – The card may not be altered in any way. No individual or entity may alter the card for any reason. Holes may not be punched in or cut in the card. No stickers may be attached to the card. The card may not be re-encoded. The cardholder and acceptor may be held responsible for any damage caused to equipment by an altered card. Replacements for altered cards will be reissued at the cardholder’s expense. This fee will not be waived. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to keep the card in a manner to prevent damage.

Fees – There is an initial card cost and a replacement cost. A schedule of costs associated with the card is attached.

Defects & Wear – Cards deemed by a card office employee to be defective will be replaced free of charge. Cards deemed to be unusable due to normal excessive wear will be replaced free of charge. Only designated card office employees may make the determination of a card’s condition. Broken or damaged cards will be replaced at the expense of the card holder.

Confiscation – The UB Card issued to a cardholder is theirs exclusively. Due to the nature of the card, it is not transferable for any reason. If a person tries to use a card that is not their own, the card must be confiscated. Authorities may also be summoned. Replacing a confiscated card has a fee that cannot be waived. A schedule of costs associated with the card is attached.

Stolen Cards – Lost or stolen UB Cards should be reported to the office as soon as possible. You may be held responsible by any of the agencies using this card until it is properly deactivated. Stolen cards may be reported locally at 645-6344 or long distance at 1-800-LOST UB 1 (1-800-567-8821) for deactivation. Cards that have been reported stolen and have unauthorized use must be issued with a new ISO number at the expense of the card holder. In the instance that the unauthorized user is identified by University Police the cost of the replacement card as well as any funds used will be paid to the card holder by the unauthorized user. The unauthorized use of a UB Card should be reported to the University Police immediately.

Lost Cards – Lost or stolen UB Cards should be reported to the office as soon as possible. You may be held responsible by any of the agencies using the card until it is properly deactivated. Due to the nature of the card, all cards called in or sent in to the card office are deactivated immediately. If a card is returned to the card office prior to a replacement being issued, that card will be returned to the card holder in person at the UB Card office. Lost cards may be reported locally at 645-6344 or long distance at 1-800-LOST UB1. (1-800-567-8821).

Misuse of Cards – Any misuse or illegal acts involving a UB Card will be investigated. The card office will prosecute any violators of card policy or law pertaining to the card and the services attached to it.

Policy Changes – The card policies and official acceptors are posted and updated on the UB Card website at myubcard.com

Card Office Locations – 1 Capen, (1Capen Service Center) North Campus and 1 Diefendorf (Room 114, Diefendorf Hall), South Campus.

Schedule of Fees:

  • Initial (first) card – $26.00
  • Replacement cards – $26.00 (new card numbers)
  • Replace a confiscated card – $27.50
  • Have card mailed to you via USPS – $27.50
  • Damaged reprint (requires exchanging current card) – $16.00
  • Defective cards – no cost to recipient
  • Faculty/Staff initial cards – no cost to recipient (includes changing status from student to faculty/staff)
  • UB Card reprints (requires exchanging current card) – $16.00
    • pertains to damaged cards, name changes, new photo, upgrading to smart card – card numbers do not change

For UBit information please refer to buffalo.edu/ubit