Online Card Office

How do I add money to my student's card?

You can use our Parent / Guest add page on GET.

To add funds, you will need a valid VISA or Mastercard, and your students' Person Number.

You can also call the UB Card Office at 716-645-6344, one of the customer service representatives will be glad to assist you.

Can I access my UB Card Accounts online?

Yes. Simply go to our Manage Accounts page, or just use the links on

You can check the balances of your Dining Dollars and Campus Cash accounts, check your available meals, see account history, add to your accounts and more.

Where do I get my parking permit?

Visit UB Parking & Transportation's website and choose your necessary permit type under the Parking Permits tab.

Can I get a new picture on my UB Card?

You must go to the UB Card Office with your original card to have a new picture taken. There is a fee. You can get more information and current fees at the Get My UB Card page and the Fees & Policies page.

What is my UB IT Password?

You will receive your UBit user name and password at your First-Year Orientation. If you did not receive it or need to have it reset, please contact the CIT helpdesk. More information is available on the UB IT website.